Monday, January 17, 2011

Halcion: thou art mighty

Wisdom teeth: any of the third molars, usually appearing in the late teens, early 20s;

Impacted wisdom teeth:  those growing in horizontally, or in any other odd positions, that would impact the other teeth and would need to be removed

Anxiety:  adaptive response to an impending danger that is integral to an organism's ability to cope with or avoid a stress (Pham, X. 2009 ) :D

Halcion:  generic name = triazolam; a benzodiazapine derivative with sedative and hypnotic properties.  It was used to treat insomnia but is not popular now as it is known to have a high dependency rate and has some pretty terrible side-effects.  It is still used by dentists, however, when they need their patients to be completely and utterly knocked out for procedures, such as, oh I don't know... wisdom teeth extractions, maybe?

1/7/11: My original appointment for the four extractions.  I chickened out and had to reschedule.

1/13/11: I picked up some prescriptions from the pharmacy that the dentist's office called in for me. Instructions: take one Halcion before going to bed.  Done.  While on the phone after taking the pill, I mentioned that I didn't feel anything, no drowsiness, no sedation.  I said that I was worried the medication wasn't working, and that I would be awake for the procedure the following day.  I don't remember the rest of the conversation, and I was only told later that I fell asleep in the middle of talking on the phone.

1/14/11: Instructions: take 2 Halcion pills one hour before appointment.  I took the 2 little blue pills at 9am, and laid down to watch some TV before being picked up for the dentist.  I don't remember what I watched.  I vaguely remember answering the phone at 9:30am.  As my mom recalls, she heard a huge thud from upstairs at around that time, so I'm guessing that I must have fallen out of my bed.  I remember nothing else.  Per my sister's recollection, she saw me stagger and stumble down the stairs like a drunkard, swaying heavily as I walked, and stopped at the front door to look outside.  Supposedly, I was laughing all the way down as I muttered something.  I then turned to her, and fell backwards on the ground, and laid there laughing.  She helped me up and walked me outside, where my bf took over and helped me into the car.  Apparently I screamed at him for not closing the car door fast enough, because I was cold.  Again, I remember nothing!

At the dentist's office, I stumbled in and fell into the chair.  He took a look at me, and proceeded to crush up my 2 remaining Halcion pills, and told me to drink up.  It was all black after that.  I have some blurry memories of a gas mask being put on me, and that at some point in time, I had to use the bathroom.  I recall the dentist yelling out to my bf my teeth status: "2 out, 2 more to go!"  I remember my nose itching and scratching it.  Two hours later, I remember at the end when I was coming out of it, that through my gauze-filled mouth, I asked if I can keep my teeth. 

I don't remember the drive home, or how I got back into bed.  I woke up, or was woken up, periodically to changed my bloody gauze pads.  And I slept.  I slept like the dead.  At one point I remember the pain being excruciating on the right side of my jaw (he had some trouble with that tooth) and was crying.  Good thing the doc gave me some hydrocodone.  I managed to be awake for a bit to put down some applesauce, but it came back up, along with some chunks of brown blood that I'm guessing I swallowed during the procedure.

I'm most thankful for the Halcion for getting me through the procedure.  One of the things I was most anxious about was not the pain during the procedure; I was sure they would make it so I wouldn't feel anything.  What I was worried about was whether or not I would be awake, and so would be able to hear the drills, the cracks, the cutting & sawing.  And also, if I was awake, I would smell the burning of the drills and the flesh, and that is more freaky to me than anything else.  So, to have no recollection of the two hours I spent in the dentist chair is a blessing.  As for the other stuff, I wish there was a way I could watch myself tumble about that Friday morning. 

One of the reasons Halcion is no longer being used to treat insomnia is because of its effects the following nights.  Halcion has a tendency to cause rebound insomnia, in which case more drugs are needed to treat the problem.  Although I was only on the drug for a short time, I took into my system 5 pills at 0.25mg apiece in the span of about 12 hours.  I slept gloriously through the procedure, and for the rest of the day, through most of the pain.  However, that night, I could not sleep a wink.  My eyes refused to shut, and my brain would not slow down.  I ended up staying awake the entire night, watching YouTube videos and perusing the internet.  Even the next day I was not sleepy, and had to force myself to nap in the afternoon.  I think by now the Halcion is cleared out of my system, and I'm relieved to have my sleep back.

Halcion: don't underestimate the power of these tiny blue pills!

On another related note: my cheeks swelled up to twice the size of my face.  I looked like a chipmunk that has stumbled on a stash of nuts in the middle of recession.  My sister laughs as she tells me I shouldn't be holding candy in my mouth anymore.  I got some sympathetic chuckles at work today for the cheeks.  On the bright side, I know what I'll look like if I ever gain 20 more pounds... very bloated.

Monday, January 10, 2011

It is no coincidence that my last post for 2010 happened to also be when I started my new job.  As they say, the more you have to write about, the less time you have to write down those thoughts.  After coming home from work, I feel so drained.  I don't know how other people do it, juggling a full-time job, attending night school, raising a family, nursing a baby, curing cancer... all at the same time.  All I feel like doing when I come home is vegetate.  It's not that I don't have stuff I want to write about, it's just difficult finding the energy & the motivation to articulate my thoughts.  And also, it probably doesn't help that I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to posting.  It's obvious I'm not going for the Pulitzer, but I have a tendency to be over-analytical about what I compose, and so I tend to over-edit, and so the whole process is that much more tedious.  But it shouldn't be tedious. This should be a therapeutic medium for me to express my opinions, no matter how biased or imperfect.  So... no more reading & re-reading, and re-re-reading, and over-editing!  Who's really going to check my sentence structure anyways?!  Write when I feel inspired, and post when I feel like it, no matter how imperfect my writing may be.

Topics dancing in my head:
- Pygmy hippos
- Blue balls
- Books!
- "Hose to the sky"
- feeding a lion rice
-toilet seats
-cystic fibrosis
-E-Z Squeezy
-Ad sense?
-... and so much more.  Just have to get to it!

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 ... Really? Really.

Just when I finally got used to dating everything 2-0-1-0, I now have to remember to date everything 2-0-1-1.  It seems like 2010 was just a blink ago...

January: brand spanking new baby nephew, fresh beginning with a new job, AVATAR!!!
February: massive snow storm, a very special Chinese New Year/V-day, sore butt from ice-skating missteps, international spies
March: more snow, Alice, aloft, I get to know
April:  flower-filled, cherry blossoms frenzy, gardens adventure, Canal walk,
May:  weekend getaways, I know more
June:  b-day celebrations, SixFlags, watermelons, kiss & makeup
July: National Zoo, Maryland blue crabs binge, Fireworks!!! unforgettable weekend getaways
August: Unbelievable b-day weekend that makes me believe in fairy tales again
September:  Fabulous Labor day weekend, horrors of human greed, an anniversary of something that has "feet" stamped all over it, fried oreos,
October: skyline drive, Lurray caverns, fall is for lovers
November: apple picking, Thomas Jefferson's home, exceptional dumplings! HARRY POTTER madness, Thanksgiving warmth, post-Thanksgiving craziness with midnight shopping on Black Friday; anticipation
December: blue blue blue waters of the Caribbeans, floating in St. Thomas, snorkeling in St. Lucia, balcony explorations, food binges, Xmas small but fulfilling, too short a staycation.

I had a beautiful 2010.  It was filled with adventures, fun, and most important, LOVE.  If there was a word to describe 2010, it would be love.  Sheer. Pure. Love.  2010 was also filled with food.  Lots of food.  I ate at so many new places and tried so many new dishes.  On the cruise alone, I ate enough food for 3 people.  I officially pronounce 2011 as the year in which I am no longer a size 0; I am officially a 2.... now if only I can strategically direct the placement of fat...

For 2011, I hope it will bring more joy and love, more experiences that I can tell to my grand-kids when I'm old and wrinkled. My resolutions... I used to not believe in this whole resolutions thing, because it seemed a bit contrived to make a list of changes only because it is the new year; why not any other time?  But I've come to not be so picky and snobby.  New year, new slate, new start.  Beautiful.

1.  Write more often, at least 1 post per week.
2.  Spend less!!! no more spontaneous shopping sprees, no more impulsive buys.
3.  Keep organized: no more hoarding of junk, give away more stuff, thin out closet
4.  Use up more products
5.  Keep up with friends
6.  Drink more water
7.  Procrastinate less
8.  Pictures: take more, learn PS skillz, make prints
9.  More tree-hugging.
10. More nerd.

 Of course there are more things I could add to that list that I think would make me a better person, but I'll keep it there for now.  It's important to keep the list doable and reasonable! 

2011.  Je suis pret.